Every Dollar Counts   

get help: financial assistance

things happen.
we have your back.

You shouldn’t have to choose being keeping the lights on or feeding your family. That’s why we’re here to help with our emergency utility, rent, and mortgage assistance programs.

211 Help


211 Help



Heart of Florida United Way, in collaboration with public utilities such as the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC—The Reliable One), Duke Energy, the City of Winter Park Utilities, and Lake Apopka Natural Gas District, offers emergency residential utility assistance as part of our commitment to the community’s well-being. The availability of this assistance is contingent on the funds at our disposal.

If your utility provider is not among those mentioned, or if you require additional assistance, you have multiple avenues to explore. Reach out to 211 through phone, email, chat, or text (simply send your zip code to 898-211), and discover alternative community resources that may be available to you.

To apply for assistance for any of the programs listed below, please click “Apply Now” to create your account and submit an application.

City of Winter Park – Emergency Utility Assistance Program

Customers of Winter Park Electric Utility who are experiencing a financial crisis and are in need of utility assistance may qualify for the Emergency Utility Assistance program. 

Program Criteria: 

  • Must be a Winter Park Electric Utility customer 
  • Must be a City of Winter Park customer or an authorized user on an account 
  • Account must not have a history of tampering or theft of services

Must Provide: 

  • Name and contact information
  • Winter Park Electric Utility account number
  • Not involved in criminal activity related to tampering
  • Proof of financial hardship (job loss, reduction of hours at work, medical expense, car repair, loss or gap in benefits, change in household, unexpected emergency expense, or other)
  • Most recent Winter Park Electric Utility bill showing past due status
  • Copy of most recent bill 

Important Note: Assistance is limited to up to $650 per household in a 12-month period.


need a helping hand?
cALL 211.

If you don’t qualify for any other emergency program, we may be able to help you through our emergency fund. 

This emergency fund is a one-time rent or mortgage payment and/or utility assistance for qualifying households.